Monday, October 29, 2007

Who knew? (Breast pumping dilemmas)

I sure didn't...

My daughter was breastfed and since I had planned to return to work I purchased a good breast pump. However, I basically never used it because no matter how much time I spent I would get either no milk or very very little. I finally just gave up on it since I didn't end up going back to work. Considered it a nice big waste of money.

This time around, I would really like to make use of that pump. I'd like to be able to involve my daughter in the feedings and also allow my husband to bottle feed sometimes so I can have a break to sleep or whatever. So I've been researching possible problems that would cause me to not get any milk when pumping. Especially considering that I spent hours trying when it should only take 10-15 minutes!

Turns out that most breast pumps come with a 'standard' size breast shield, which doesn't fit many women. Some women need smaller ones, most women need bigger ones. Wow, sure would have been nice to know that before! I just went online and ordered the next size up... hopefully that will make a difference this time!

So, for any other women out there who are struggling with their breast pump, wondering why they can't get any milk out, or are barely getting any out, consider doing a little research on breast shield sizing - you may not be a 'standard' fit!


Mony said...

My days revolve around breast pumps so much so that I dream about them. Ha!

Chris said...

Ha! Thanks for the advice!

Furrow said...

That's good to know. I certainly don't forsee myself needing the larger size. Maybe the smaller size, but I'm feeling pretty ample right now. I've put off buying a pump, assuming that I should see how it goes before I make the investment (I'm totally committed to breastfeeding, but I don't want to jinx myself). Did you buy yours before your daughter was born? I figure I can rent one from the hospital for a bit if I really need it for engorgement, etc. then I'll buy one when I'm sure I'll be using it.