Saturday, May 12, 2007

Last night, I had a dream.....

that I had a baby boy. This is the second time I've dreamed of giving birth to a boy. The last time it was twins, though one of them 'disappeared' (I can't find the post to link right now, sorry!). That dream was also in a different cycle. This one is the first time I've dreamed of either a boy or a girl this pregnancy.

I also keep finding myself referring to the baby as him or he. It's strange, because we'd really like another girl. We already have almost everything needed from our daughter so we wouldn't have to buy a bunch of new stuff, and we're also very comfortable and happy with our daughter. But maybe my body and/or subconscious is telling me something. We've got a long ways to go before we can find out! Obviously I will be thrilled either way, I just want a healthy baby! But it sure would be nice to know!


Mony said...

I've been doing the same.....but with a girl.

I cry everytime I think about holding a baby.

I sent the email to izzymom?? Is that right?

Furrow said...

I've had one girl dream and one boy dream. For a while, I really thought it was a girl, but now I'm not so sure. One month until we find out (maybe)