Monday, December 11, 2006

The Waiting Game

I hate waiting! I have almost tested twice already, but I know it won't be accurate! I technically shouldn't test until Saturday...... but I'm really really tempted to test Wednesday. Or maybe Tuesday. Is there any chance testing tomorrow would do any good?

According to most doctors, you need to wait at least 2 weeks after your hCG trigger shot before taking a pregnancy test, because the tests monitor hCG and any that is still lingering from the shot will throw off the test and cause a false positive. So they say to wait two weeks for it to be out of your system. But, my non-doctor online resources (namely other infertiles!) say it's possible it will be gone as soon as 9 days after the shot. Tomorrow (today) will be 11 days post-trigger. 10.5 or so if I test in the morning. But.... the best thing to do is wait 2 weeks after the IUI. That would mean waiting until Saturday. My original plan was to compromise and test Wednesday (with additional tests to follow of course). But now I don't think I can wait that long! But if I test too soon and get a positive I have no way to know for sure if it's really positive! Argh! Such a dilemma!

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

I say, suck it up and don't test until Wednesday. Then you can be more sure that you are getting the right result. I'm praying for good news!