Thursday, February 08, 2007

Gettin' Antsy

As of Thursday morning I will be 8dpiui (days past iui), 10 days after my trigger shot. When I initially thought about testing, I had thought I would try to wait until 12dpiui, or 14 days after the trigger shot. Now I'm re-thinking it. Last cycle, I got my first negative hpt at 10dpiui, 12 days after the trigger shot.... when I got pregnant with my daughter, I got my first positive hpt (it was the first time I tested so don't know if it would have registered sooner or not) after the trigger shot. So, by my reasoning, if I test on Saturday, which will be 10dpiui, I stand a good chance of getting an accurate result. If it's negative, that doesn't necessarily mean it will stay negative, because it could be too soon to tell. But if it's positive, there's a definite chance it really is positive. And that would give me hope.... which I'm not sure would be good or bad to have.
In case that was all a bit confusing, I'll sum it up - based on past experience, the trigger shot should be out of my system by 10dpiui. But, it may be too soon to tell if I'm pregnant or not on an hpt. So I'm thinking that I will test on Saturday, 10dpiui and see what happens. Of course, I could change my mind.... if I can convince myself to wait longer, it would be good. Because I'm pretty sure that if I wait until 12dpiui and manage to get a positive hpt, then I am pregnant, whereas anything positive before then could, just maybe, be the remnants of the trigger shot, and anything negative before then could just mean my hormone levels from the pregnancy aren't high enough to register.
Hmmmm, wonder what I will do....

1 comment:

MamaChristy said...

Wait it out baby! False hope hurts when it is all said and done. Do you think they make patches (like they do for nicotine) that will help you get through the craving of wanting to test? I don't think so either, but I bet we could make a fortune...